Adam Nalley
Vice President of Service
Adam Nalley is a junior at Owyhee High School, the only school for the Shoshone-Paiute
Tribes of the Duck Valley Indian Reservation. He is honored to represent his school,
community, and Nevada FBLA as Vice President of Service. He joined FBLA as a freshman,
not knowing of his potential. That same year, he qualified for NLC in Introduction to
Business Communication. As a sophomore, he placed in six competitive events, qualifying
for NLC in Cyber Security and Community Service Project. As a junior, he placed in
Accounting I and ran for Vice President of Service. Now, for his senior year, he plans
to network with members, make unforgettable experiences, and HAVE FUN.
Along the
way, he participated in Band, FFA, TRiO Upward Bound, Poetry Out Loud, SYLAP, AISES,
Student Council as Treasurer, and was involved in Football, Wrestling, Basketball, and
Track and Field. He plans to attend Harvard University with degrees in Computer Science
and Accounting.
Adam Nalley is pleased to work with all of you right now for his
2016 – 2017 term in FBLA. Maten memmi